T W N G Y 🪿🎥��❤️🎶✨ 🪿🎥🥀❤️🎶✨ Cinema by The Marias (2021) STEREO SAMPLERS VOL 1 LP 3 120 seconds of the complete album #music #SFX #pop #spanish #english #themarias #KG #kuntgang #albums #stereo 🪿🎥🥀❤️🎶✨ 🪿🎥🥀❤️🎶✨
Julieprunes If aliens landed and said “take me to your Leader” who would be the person you would trust to give a true account of what the world was like today? #fyp #conspiracy #GriftGang #aliens #relationships
M Spectacular Which Flavor do you like best or willing to try?! Sound on for @booberry96 #stayspectacular #tbsmspec #condiments #fyp #viral #trending
Julieprunes Maaaaan, I love a cocktail. What cha gonna make me, huh? #julieprunescocktails #travel #drink #cocktails #mixology #GriftGang
Julieprunes The third part of a Classic Stereo “love” story... #humor #funny #stereoapp #accountability #relationships #GriftGang