So I know there's a lot of people that come to the US for safety, but is America really safe? because I want out. First chance I get to leave I'm gone. So what do you think about this?
The shadow that looms over America is so great and we all see it but yet there's no accountability ever being held and the constant disrespect on the citizens is annoying
Absolutely not safe. No. Now, what that being said, right? It gives off the appearance of being safe, but no, it is not safe. There's a lot going on and people have no clue about out here.
I definitely agree with you on that one. A lot of people have no clue and it does appear safe from a distance and I think that's why a lot of people come here. But yeah, definitely 100% not safe.
Hell no America is not safe at all like honestly no place is safe but like America is definitely not safe so if you're going there to like get away from any other bad like you're just getting more bad
I mean so my parents immigrated from federal countries and El Salvador in Colombia and I'm eating in comparison to those countries I would say so but obviously it's still dangerous to some degree but yeah in comparison to them pretty sure it is safe
I'ma be real with you miss, like you black bruh. I know it was never safe for you bruh. Like, you're black. You gotta worry about ****** and white people, bruh.
We are trying to survive from racism and shit and it's name is saved anywhere anywhere it's not even save like everybody here trying to get killed everybody is here trying to kill themselves and shit it's it's not save any or not even America
No America was never safe and it will never be home to a black person. You can kiss that goodbye. It will never be home to a person that's not all white or all about money.