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Hey, it's Moon here. Tomorrow, I launch my first episode of my new podcasting series, Moonsted Anchored Survival, where I will be teaching survival skills and more in this series. What kind of topics would you like to see me cover in this series? I appreciate your ideas and I also appreciate your time and your energy. try to keep the comments respectful for other users. Thank you!
Okay, quick message, I know it's 15 seconds. Bug out camp, herbal remedies, first aid when you're outdoors and you're running some situations. You know, 15 seconds. It's just everything, everything.
Jersey, I will definitely cover all of those topics and more. Come through! I have a podcast planned. It's on my avatar profile if you want to check it out. For Moonsted Anchored Survival. So see you there when it happens. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it.
Hey, Moon Goddess. It's Ali, and I am in love with this idea. Come on and bring it. I don't have any ideas for this moment, but you best believe I have a pen and paper ready to take on notes because these skills are essential to know in our society. We don't know which way it's going to go, so knowledge is power, and thank you for bringing out the knowledge.
Shout out to you, Ali. Thank you so much for your feedback and your encouragement. I love that you plan to come to learn, take notes, and so forth, because that is exactly what I encourage my listeners to do, as I am also learning along with my listeners, so I'm definitely taking notes as well, because knowledge is power, just like you said. So, yes, I'll do my first episode this weekend.
I guess like natural things you can find to eat outside you know being in harsh climates maybe like not necessarily the tundra but near it and what you can do for yourself in the wild. I'm being a little bit ambiguous there but yeah mostly wild foods you know roots and barks to eat things like that.
Thank you, Twangi, for your feedback. I will definitely cover topics on foraging for sure. I have another podcast series that I do on Stereo where I cover different topics, speaking on the benefits of different herbs and plants and barks and so forth. So more of that kind of information will be in detail there at that podcast.
However, in terms of learning how to forage adequately and in different climates and that I can cover in the survival podcast that I have. So I will definitely notate this for sure. And I will provide resources as I normally do in every episode. So yeah, shout out to that. Thank you, Twangy. I really appreciate you.