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Is imperative that we understand truly Hüseyin is for many are deceived in this world believe in Satan in some kind of mythology creature a red humanoid figure with pitchfork horns a tail in some wings that sits on some kind of thrown in hell this is far from the biblical truth or who say it is Satan is derived from the word adversary for he is diametrically opposed I guess God's will and plan for humanity his goal is to trick in deceive people falling into the sins and even worse he wants them to believe that their depravity is good and justifiable this is what mankind mankind has done since the beginning of time they have justify the evil deeds and claim them as good and we are seeing that before our eyes to this very day In many forms and I am not going to discuss those forms so basically Satan is a spiritual enemy who goes before God and accuses your day and night of your sins through to you and to God believing that you cannot making you believe that you cannot have a relationship with God because you have done these things or you have said these things or his other way to deceive you is using pride or doubt he's on a common things that keep people away from seeing the glory of God they follow their own pride like the pharaoh in Egypt when he refused to yield over the usual lights to the Lord thy God he followed his own pride and he did not want to admit his wrongdoing many people are like that today stiff neck and stubborn If you are not chasing your pride and you are chasing doubt you follow the doctrine of men and for seek the truth of the glory and the rebel
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