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Minx Couture
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so Charlie and Dixie were recently interviewed talking about Kourtney Kardashian in the hospital and I guess apparently more on that the reason she was in the hospital is because she had to have fetal surgery and I just hope that everything is okay I know what she's potentially in a higher risk given her age for the pregnancy and just definitely wishing health and wellness for everyone
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And it comes to Travis and Courtney, I hope they stay together forever. And I mean, forever. Because I'm like, there is no man on this planet that I'll put my life at risk just because we need to complete our freakin fairy tale, especially our unborn. You know, it's just kind of strange to me how everybody can do surrogates and they didn't want to not saying that I'm an advocate for it because you do what you got to do boo boo. But hello, I don't want to hear nothing. I don't want to hear nobody's marriages on the rocks, nothing. And I wish nothing but a safe
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delivery and happiness and abundance and all that jazz but honey if i hear it if i hear it i'm hitting up elon musk he better send me a ship right away
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Definitely, you know, I definitely agree. I definitely agree. And I hope they stay together forever too. And really forever. For real. A lot of that pregnancy stuff is really scary, so.
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Oh my god, who cares, who cares, who cares. This is why our country is going to hell because people don't pay attention to what's going on in our government and pay attention to drivel like this.
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i mean, definitely, this is a pop culture account, so i'm gonna talk about stuff like this, but if you want to know more about government and politics, definitely follow pages that talk more about that.
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I hope that the Kardashian family is going to be okay. I hope that she'll be healed, and I wish them the best. But at the same time, I really do believe, honestly, that these shows are an absolute waste of time. It's completely ridiculous. I mean, you're watching rich people make arguments that are causing nothing but stress. There's no talent involved. There's no storyline involved. I mean, it's really just people arguing, and it's meaningless to our lives.
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Yeah, I mean, the shows are a waste of time for some people, but reality TV show for me is definitely like an escape, and it's definitely helpful for me to watch in life just to get immersed in other people's drama, whether real or fake, you know?
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