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Melanin Seduction
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Julia C Brunet
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Torrean B 556d
Torrean B
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Elizabeth 556d
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okay getting straight to the point here do you agree that traveling is the best education there is because i'm going to say yes i feel like to understand other people in other countries and other cultures and just get more of a worldly view like you can never be over educated i always say that but simultaneously it's important to know that there's so much more to learn out there and by traveling you get so many opportunities to do that is it expensive possibly i feel like there's a lot more budget-friendly ways but the point is is that you will always learn something new no matter where you go that's my whole point so my answer is yes but i'm curious to hear your take on this
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Yeah I definitely agree with that because traveling allows you to see things beyond your own backyard and it allows you to live in the moment versus just surviving on regular daily life so yeah
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this correlates perfectly with like even when people are looking for jobs and even employers are looking to hire they're always asking for experience because experience is so so worthy you can't really put a dollar amount to it so I agree with you wholeheartedly
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I mean, like, if you do that, then, like, um, you experience more stuff, so...
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