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Hella 558d
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Tcmvives 556d
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Quinton Dinglesmall
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Quinton Dinglesmall
Quinton Dinglesmall
Quinton Dinglesmall
Angel 492d
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JayT 490d
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Jdizzle 490d
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Amber Mcgrory 489d
Amber Mcgrory
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The Queen served in the Armed Forces in the Second World War, so there is that. It depends if you're born into the Royal Family or if you are married in as well. There is differences, but there is also different ways that you can serve your country, apart from being in the Armed Forces.
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What is that country like and what is that government like? I don't really follow that because I'm in America, but interesting.
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Okay, so Jeez, I've always screwed with the bed. But yeah, they pretty much don't do anything. Um Obviously they have they the reason why you always see them waving and shit around is cuz they they go and do like royal duties, which is it's like How do I explain this? Like, you know how the president's visit schools and like go to charities, I guess sometimes They they basically just do like that You
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The reason is because Parliament holds more power with laws and stuff than they do, which is why. They don't really pass laws, obviously I'm not from the UK so someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but this happened because of the, um, there was a war between Parliament and the King back in like the 1600s I think, or 1500s, and yeah.
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Basically, that war was started because the king, I forgot the king at the time. He basically wanted to control the, he wanted to have more control because every time that he wanted to, you know, ask for money for his war, they would, parliament would always say no because they wanted to receive power in exchange for money.
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and the reason why they had the money and the king didn't is because the king doesn't actually like own the money i guess because obviously the parliament they have probably a treasure and shit like that so they have access to all the money and so every time the king would ask for money they would always ask for a power in return and he got tired of it so he tried taking over and it didn't work but yeah you can search it up it's kind of interesting um yeah
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So I was also thinking about this like the other day, yeah like what exactly do the royal family do? Like I always see them like wave, smile and then wear their dumbass crown and then I mean of course like if you want to look pretty or whatever like you can you know what I mean like wear makeup stuff but like besides that they do nothing.
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It's about diplomacy that's what they do most of that's why I like they ain't doing shit the Queen or King Charles now stand over everybody like the regular people not the big families but it's about diplomacy everybody gonna have to meet him at some point
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I mean they breathe, that's something they do, oh yeah and they walk, they walk, and they have arms, they use their arms for things.
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