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Candice May or May Not
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Michaela Mangrum
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Candice May or May Not
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Jose Farrach
Jose Farrach
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Jose Farrach
Jose Farrach
Jose Farrach
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Black Power 472d
Black Power
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Black Power
Figgy Vexton 471d
Figgy Vexton
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Figgy Vexton
Jose Farrach
Jose Farrach
Jose Farrach
Jose Farrach
Figgy Vexton
Figgy Vexton
Figgy Vexton
Figgy Vexton
Figgy Vexton
Arshawna 420d
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BX Blues 386d
BX Blues
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Why is it people that love God and believe in God and want to preach about God kind of outcasted and shunned now? What has happened? Why is the revolt why is it before everybody used to believe in God and now if you believe in God? It's like an anomaly.
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I think in part it's also big stories like when the paedophile circle and the Catholic Church, stories like that of organised religion really being corrupt and letting people down. It's made people turn on organised religion.
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Boathouses, right? Those stories are very challenging to having faith. I also think that a lot of the people preaching about God constantly just are annoying in a way.
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And what I really mean by annoying is that they can't seem to have a conversation without God in it. And it's difficult sometimes when you just want to talk about something and all they want to talk about or tell you about is God.
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You know, the church religion itself uses fear to manipulate people to be in the roles that they want and to give them money and keep them subservient and quiet.
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I think a big part of it is a lot of the older generation took it way too far into religion when it's not even supposed to be about religion and that ended up being casted onto this newer generation so a lot of church hurt I think it's the race
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I think it's also because of PC culture. You know, they want to accept everybody and do everything. And that's cool. But I mean... Yeah. Hmph. It is what it is.
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Hey fam hey, it's not it's always been the same it just seems more loud because of social media and the voices are more loud But it's the same thing people still get shown And you know as always
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I mean, it's literally in scriptures and Bibles and Korans, you know what I'm saying? It's just more accepted back in the day for you to do certain things than it is now because of the culture. But I mean, it's still the same.
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You know, I want to accept everybody, love everybody. That's why I'd rather you just do what you do. And I'll respect you for what you do, you know?
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I think it's not so much God, I think there's lots of people who love God, but religion. And that's because people now have more access to information. People are more intelligent now and less easy to manipulate.
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Yeah, people believe in God and love God, but they disregard his rules and the things that he's asked from us. So I think that's the disconnect is that we love God, but we don't want to obey him.
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Now I understand there could be churches and certain religions that, you know, try to get people to dumb down and be stupid and not be aware. So self-awareness is key, I believe. Self-awareness is key. And don't get caught up in it.
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Why in the world does God need us to do anything for Him? That's one thing. He's all-powerful, all-knowing, all everything, but we need to do like, pray to Him. We need to praise Him, we need to idolize Him only.
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And there's plenty of people out there who don't believe in God but still obey those rules because they are obvious rules, you know.
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Just like how you would show respect to a boss, or just like how you show respect to your father, those are the things that we do by praying and loving him and putting him first. That's how we show our appreciation for him giving us life.
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Without him, we are nothing. So again, you don't have to believe in none of the things that I believe in. It happened for me. It took me 32 years to realize this, and it might take you a few years to realize it yourself. But if it's meant to be, you will understand these things.
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You don't know how many times I was in your position and I thought the same way you did. Why show respect and praise a god that kills people and hurts people? I felt the same way, brother. I understand. I respect your opinion, but it's not the right way.
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Yeah, so we're gonna be obedient to an entity who starts a whisper down the lane game thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago. And we can't get an accurate whisper down the lane game to go three people without getting shit.
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concept wasn't always a bad thing. But just to be real, not being racist, I think what white people did is use religion as a way to insert themselves into history and forced us to follow that version of it.
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Now in modern times to subscribe to the concept of God is to subscribe to the mentality of Europeans Whether that's a good thing or bad thing I think for African people or any non-European person that's a bad thing
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Personally, I don't think that anyone who believes in God is outcasted. I think it's the people who try to shove their religion down somebody else's throat and force their beliefs onto other people that get outcasted.
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I've had significant others before who believed in God and who were fully Christian or Catholic. We never got into arguments about religion though because we didn't try to shove our religions or beliefs down each other's throats.
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You know, I find it funny when people say that people that are religion or believe in God force and push it upon other people when everyone else forces everything on everybody else. So I don't understand.
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I don't understand where you're upset that people try to talk about the things that they believe in. If I believe in God, I'm gonna talk about it. If you believe in your sexuality, you're gonna talk about it. If you believe in astrology, you're gonna talk about it. So I don't understand what the issue is.
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Obviously I do agree, nobody should force you to do anything or make you believe in something you don't want to. It has to happen naturally. But for people to say that only religion people or people of God force things upon people is asinine.
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The LGBTQ community liberals, everybody forces agendas upon everybody. So it's not just one sided. Everybody does it.
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I see your point and I'm not saying that everyone who is religious does it because they don't like I dated a Christian man before I did a Catholic man before they never forced their religion on me
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And everyone's entitled to speak freely about their beliefs. I have no problem with that. I have no problem with people talking about what they believe in. It's the people that talk about what they believe in and then say, if you don't believe in it then you're you know you're evil and you're going to help.
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And I personally have only ever dealt with religious people forcing their views down my throat. I've never had LGBT or liberal or any of those type of people shove their beliefs down my throat.
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Yes, I have my own quarrel with religion and Christianity and Catholicism, but I'm not saying everyone is like that, because obviously there's billions of people in the world, not everyone is like that.
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I don't care what somebody believes in. I really don't. Like, if it makes you happy and you're content with your life, believing in what you believe in, that's amazing. I'm happy for you. But I don't appreciate when people are like, well, if you don't believe in this, then you're screwed.
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It's honestly because there's a lot of people out there who use their faith as a reasoning for their hatred. When that's not how Jesus wants us to live anyway. So a lot of people just...
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I think that it's important that if you are a Christian that you actually walk in the way that God really wants and that means and love not just I don't know how to cause drama
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Because truth is hate to those who hate truth.
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