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Luke Calderon 563d
Luke Calderon
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So, this is the story of how I found all the things that my dad had been doing before I was born. So, this was a long time ago. So, um, I remember my aunt didn't have a car so my mom picked her up. So, we went to the store and my mom was talking about my dad and then she said all about my dad before I was born. And I can't believe that he was doing, um, you know, bad stuff. Like, he was doing drugs, cocaine, weed, anything, bro. I was surprised. I didn't even know that, bro. He said my mom, he said, I mean, my mom said that he almost died because he was doing it too much. And, um, he almost died because of doing cocaine before I thought he was doing it every day. And he said that she, that my dad was drinking every single time he wouldn't stop drinking. And that every single time when my mom would ride in my dad's car, that he would always have, um, cocaine everywhere, like white powder everywhere. And it was always smelling like weed and there was beer, like, um, beer in the back. That's what she said, but, you know, that's how I found out my dad was doing drugs and a lot of bad other shit.
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