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I'm Rising Stereo, it's your girl Queen Domentella just with a morning, Monday morning message for you. Make sure you stay focused so you can hear where God is calling you to be.
Grand Rising Donatella, I appreciate the morning motivation, gotta stay focused, gotta stay focused. Even when a scale has no scales to hold that weight, I am holding that weight by staying focused. Much love.
Grand Rising Beautiful Carbon. You're welcome darling. That's what I'm trying to do these days before I start posting anything funny or anything like that. Just trying to motivate because I know I be needing some motivation girl. I hope you have a great day.
Donatella was popping a morning. Yeah. Now that's a fact though. I think and you know, sometimes the illusion of what? you're trying to get to or you know the goal in mind and you know that vision boy that you Sometimes is real easy to get lost in the sauce. If you don't focus on what's in front of you that task at hand You know I'm saying So yeah, that's a fact though focus on what's in front of you to get to where you trying to get to
Thank you for participating on my post. too much focus on the future gives me so much anxiety and I've always been able to be successful when I focus on what is in front of me right now.
Grand Rising, Queen Donna, even though it's in the evening but I hope you have a wonderful Monday. I hope you have a good week and yes, we needed this word. We definitely needed the word.
You have to focus. It's the focus part for me. No matter what your health might look like, no matter what your pockets might look like, you still gotta stay focused. No matter what you think the plan is, if you are, God calls you to do something, you just need to come with it. That's still part of the plan. That's God's plan. I like this. I have to stay focused. Stay focused. Stay focused. Oh, stay focused. Thank you, Donatella.