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Hey what's up everybody how y'all doing? I'm sitting here at my son's school picking him up and we have a extremely long line of a mother holding up a line of a place that isn't even the pickup line for the children. Oh my gosh this is ridiculous. Somebody please come get these high schoolers parents quick quick quick
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Well, finally, the security guard came out when the bell rang, and he looked like he could be a bitchy cop without a gun, and he finally got the lady to move. She stopped and probably bitched about where she's supposed to pick up her kid, but she eventually moved out of the way, as did the other 20, 30 cars that were behind her, probably pissed off. So everything was fine. It was a good day.
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The sad thing about it is she's not even moving. She does not even care that she's not in the correct spot to be picking up your children. There are no security guards out here to tell her, nor anybody else, that they need to move out of the way. This is disturbing. This is disturbing. How hard is it just to come and get your kid a little bit earlier, leave a little bit earlier so you can find a parking spot, dummy? And she's just sitting here like it's no big deal, holding up traffic isn't a big problem.
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And I'm sure there's somebody that's behind her that is a completely pissed off parent right now trying to figure out why she isn't moving Welcome to South Dakota Parents are just wonderful here
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