I mean, who doesn't like, um, once I walked in and I licked my sawdust because I was checking out if it was actually like salt, like salty. And others are actually just salt. This one's just like salt. I don't know.
I mean, what you can do is if you get a humidifier, or like, um, like, you know the shit that, like, puts mist in the air? If you put one of those next to the salt lamp, your hair will be really good, because it's salt water going into the air, because it will evaporate and be salt. Yeah, but that's how you get really good hair in your house. And then you go to school and then it fucking ruins your hair.
uh um what do you say after that like you catch him licking your salt limb what do you say after that like let me know what you did you say like i don't care what do you