So I would cut out all outside influence on us and I would change the justice system from prison to poverty so I would have a middle class, higher class and a lower class and I would separate Scotland into those categories and they would be obviously governed and criminals would be sent to designated areas and could work their way up by changing.
Then I'd change the education system to teach my people the truth and everything and we would all work together to advance Scotland and advance the rest of the world because we would then pull the rest of the world out of poverty too. Yeah, I would do heaps of stuff. It's just too much to say in just this one little setting.
I would also educate my people on survival and combat and other things that will be applied in a nice way, not a harsh monk-style way, but into their day-to-day lives they will learn combat and survival techniques that will help them survive and if we needed to build an army I'm sure the people would be quite capable of being that army.