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Pineapple Dela Pimpin
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Pineapple Dela Pimpin
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So, I saw this post on Facebook yesterday, and the first thing I said was, let that man grieve. And no, it's not emotional cheating. Now, I know it's one question I typed in here, but I do have two questions. The first one is what you see. What would you do if your partner cries slash grieves over their dead ex? And two, could you, just, how would you feel? How would you feel? Let me know. Me, personally, I wouldn't care, because it's not that I wouldn't care. Well, let me say it like this. They have history. They may still have love and care for them, and their passing could bring forth emotions of grief. So, I wouldn't feel a way about it. How would y'all feel?
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Like I asked you the first time, do he want to go with that bitch? Because he must want to go with her. She must want to go with her. Whoever the person is, he or she. It's the same man in this scenario. But you crying so hard, y'all want to bond up? Want me to put you in there with her?
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That's crazy as hell. I don't let that brother grieve. The relationship ended for a reason. And he's with you for a reason. He, she, whoever. That relationship ended for a reason. Your partner is with you for a better reason. It's just some little, little thug tears.
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Listen, he can weep, because death is sad to some people. But if that ***** is boo-hooing, sobbing, every day it's a somber moment, I'm going to put that bitch in a box with her, because what's up? The bitch is dead. Get over it.
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I love you. Pineapple, I'm weak. But not for real though, because like, like, who knows how long they ain't been together. Like, why are you still sad over this? How, like, yeah, he must, he must want to go with her because I don't know, man.
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You know RJ, cause I feel like the only reason why somebody would be sad is if the woman was the one that ended it. And he really didn't want to end it. So he's probably only with the other girl because the other girl didn't give him any more chances. So yeah, that would make me feel like he still has feelings for the other person. Cause he would've stayed if she didn't kick him to the curb.
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Well, this in fact happened to one of my daughters, her boyfriend's ex died, but they had a daughter together, and the ex was what, 26? 26 years old. So of course he grieved, but yeah, it's a sad story, but it's rough. It is rough.
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Like, my thought would be like, does he have unrequited feelings for this person? Because any acts of mine, not that I wish anybody did, but like, I just wouldn't feel the same sentiment. Um, yeah, I would, I don't know. I would think that he still had longing feelings for the person because why, why are you sad for?
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Okay, first off, first off, let me just tell you something coming from a person in a family that grew up in the funeral industry. Might I add, everybody has the right to grieve. Everybody, regardless of whether you are in a relationship or not. Someone has lost somebody. Regardless of emotional feelings, they know that they are never, ever gonna get back. Hold on, I'm gonna dig into a part two.
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