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While you did it, achieved 100 followers. I'm surprised. I thought you would be much slower at it. However, I have to fulfill my end of the bargain. So, before reaching 100 followers before the start of my day tomorrow, you can comment whoever you want, whether it's your op, your friend, your family, anybody and I will go to the account pick whatever video I want and just roast them because that's my job as the hater. Hopefully there isn't 10,000 people that see this because I don't really feel like making 10,000 recordings so yeah. Hopefully this flops. Anyways, thank y'all and I will be done now. I'ma stop.
It's actually kind of crazy. I mean, I've been on the app for a couple weeks, but I only, just recently like four days ago started the whole uh this the theme song everything
But this is just the beginning. Bencio, Jamiro McGee, Mr. Bombastic, Jermaine, even Timmy Boy. That top five? They won't be able to stand to me. No one will.
Mere, I think he's trying to kill you. I'm 9% sure he's trying to kill you. So you've got two options. Run or fight this man. Or just send some followers in battle but that also works either one
Well, I wasn't expecting you to watch this comment section. And now that you know this information, the two vengeful spirits that I have released into your house will now act of their own accord. These will be your last words.
I'll warn Jameer I warned him I straight up warned him He has two options now and he better pick one. He has one to pick. This, I think, would you marry my dad now? Yeah, Budge
Man, let's be honest, if I sent my followers after him, I'd feel they pick him up and just carry him all the way to me. Bruh. My follower is fucking bipolar. One minute they love me the next minute they hate me. mostly time is hate.
That's under sticks like we playing Maddie a bitch on my dick and she hop like a rap 50c shot Yeah, I bought like a magic he say he wants smoke so we gonna let him have it Where's my clip is you know NBA he did something there so we gave him a fade me and my ****** you know we get paid he was good at the scene so they they felt tape then they