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TheCashBrat 580d
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Support Shud B Free TM️
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All right stereo, I'm starting to show y'all what it is what it ain't This is a half of a gallon of mango lemonade and it's nice and cold press nice and froze about to get shipped off $55 minimum in person, but if I got a ship to you, it's definitely gonna be that added price Does the world's best lemonade cost too much for you? And if it does do you regret not buying a hoodie when they were just $100 supposed to be free
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Yeah, I do watermelon h3o I'd also get through regular lemonades Strawberry lemonades kiwi lemonades are still the season and of course mango Those are just some of my best sellers and I just took a picture of something that I had to ship out today Yeah, if you want some pictures and stuff, just let me know but that's the size option Whichever flavor it is that you want. Just let a brother know reach out hit me in the DMS or follow me on Oh, no, I don't have
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You had me. You had me right up until you said mango. Nope. Mm-mm. I've never in my life had a good experience with a mango. So, no thank you. You got other flavors though? Cause we might be able to definitely make a deal. Cause that's not a bad price. And nothing's huge. Peace.
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I'm sorry. We have watermelon lemonade, strawberry lemonade, kiwi lemonade, regular lemonade, and of course mango lemonade. So that's not the only flavors. Just hit me up. You can find my Twitter and my profile or you can hit me in the back text here. I just don't check those as often. Support should be free.
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