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Unknown trxppie
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Dc Doom 579d
Dc Doom
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Casey Jacobson
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10 out of 10. Straight up. Gekko's so cute!
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I had a leopard gecko once and then he got stuck shed on his face, and I couldn't help him And he wouldn't eat and the stuck shed got to his eye, and he got stuck on his eyeball So when the doctor tried to remove the shed they removed his eyeball as well And then they sent me home with an eyeball this lizard So when my lizard wouldn't eat because he couldn't see the food or sense it Yeah, I woke up and he was dead on his back stretched out dead as fuck so just uh Just keep your humidity up
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I'm so sorry to hear that, that's super sad. I have leopard geckos as well, and I've had them since I was a little kid. Never had too much problem with stuck shed, except for the end of one of my first, or the end of my first leopard gecko's life. But he died to old age, but the last couple months of his life he wouldn't shed. But this is a western banded gecko, and he's native to Arizona, and his climate is dry, because he's from the desert. But he's super cute. He's a western banded gecko though.
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I had a gecko in my room once, he was pretty cool, he was like there and then I tried to touch him and his tail fell off and that freaked me out.
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