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Faith Thompson
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Bored asf 581d
Bored asf
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So one thing that I noticed that is like a big like asset to any property whether it's an apartment townhouse You know a regular house Is a swimming pool. So do you have a swimming pool at your place? because right now I don't which is unfortunate and Growing up. I used to beg my parents to put a swimming pool in our backyard But there was just like no space to do so and I was in my feelings about it And even as a full-grown adult, I have told myself time and time again that in the future I would really hope to be in a place where there is a swimming pool. So yeah, let me know
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no in the UK like no one has a pool unless you're like rich so you have like a little blow-up put like bunch of water in it and then that's it you don't like have an underground water pool you just have like a little blow-up one on the top
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