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Ivan 583d
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Jacob mejia 582d
Jacob mejia
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Cherry 582d
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you knew me and you knew that i was 13 before i even went in that live i was chilling and we were joking together to everybody else you already knew i was 13
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I did not. You were like, someone replied, oh damn, Ivan, you 13, that's wild. And then, yeah, you were, I was like, you're 13. And then you were like, yeah. And then you were like, I said, when's your birthday? And you were like, December. And then your friend was like, no, no, no, no, we're joking, blah, blah, blah. He's actually not 13, he's 16. And you were like, yeah, I was just joking. Like, make it make sense, bro. I did not know you were 13. Like, what the hell?
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Not once in that entire screen recording did I agree that I was 16 you are posting nothing Literally no evidence. I never said I was 16. Maybe listen to it. Dumbass fucking bitch
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What's funny is literally your friend was like, oh no, we were joking. He's not 13, he's actually 16. And then I was like, oh. And then you were like, Cam, whatever his name is, I love you so fucking much. So that means you technically agreed to your friend calling, saying you were 16. So that's my evidence. If you listen back to it, then you would understand. So I don't know, you're kind of slow to be honest. And I don't know why you're lacking your own fucking.
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Yo, yet again, you were boohooing over this fucking shit over text. I was saying thank you, I love you so fucking much, because he texted me someone's profile that I wanted. Can you shut up about that? Like honestly, you and your dumbass friend gotta shut the fuck up. Your friend's talking about, oh my god, you better watch your mouth, cause you don't want a problem with me. What the fuck your friend gonna do?
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And by the way, I really hate to be this guy but stop calling me a whore if you're gonna post nothing But yo ass on your page, bruh Your newest post after calling me a whore a million times is you with your booty hanging out Not your face not nothing just your booty like shut the fuck up
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if you're done man then stop replying like bro my whole face is on my page not just my ass you literally asked permission from me if you should post your ad pictures like if you're gonna come to my comments and keep replying and replying then actually talk to me on a live like i'm awake i'm alive like if you're gonna talk shit to me then talk shit to me on a live and if people want to join in then people can join in if my friend carla wants to join in then she can join in like she's my friend she's gonna back me up if she wants to like if you don't like that then just block her
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Was not booing if I was then I would have called you crying, but no I wasn't I was laughing because it's funny Oh, you think I would cry over a 13 year old guy, but no I didn't really like you to be honest I just liked that you looked fit And I was in use you because most girls liked you and I wanted to make them jealous That's the reason why I mainly liked you not because of anything else about you like what the fuck I don't know why you're getting so mad, but on my page I don't
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You think I'd cry over a 13 year old guy no But you fucking you literally said that you were younger that you like actually are just so you could be closer to me That's down bad as shit I'm just saying but you know what I actually am done. So like unless You reply to this. I'm done
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A whore just because I post my ass doesn't make me a whore. I post my body and then I post my face So no people know what I look like. Like I'm not a definition of a whore I don't date multiple people at the same time. I don't use people for their body I don't use people for like news and shit, and I don't really ask for that shit And you know that like I never asked you for pictures or anything All I'm trying to make up is that you lied to me about being the age you were at first And then you told me and I was like, okay, whatever
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No, only said I was younger to make you feel better because you said that you think I would drop you if you were younger So I felt bad. So I just told you I was younger. So you would feel better cuz to be honest I don't know anymore, but I don't know why your family itself people that I'm younger I'm actually not but I would have told you that was actually younger But since you got all mad over it I didn't to make you to laugh about it and I kind of forgot to tell you to be honest but it's
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I have no clue what the fuck just happened, but alright.
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I think, get better friends. I'm not trying to get into y'all drama, okay, with that little girl, okay? Get better friends. Your cousins, your brothers, sisters, friends from school, better for you, okay? If you don't got friends from school, not bad. I could be your friend.
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