Perez Hilton Super rare footage of when I hosted #katyperry’s record release party for her debut album, #oneoftheboys, at the Capitol lot in Hollywood. June of 2008.Подписаться82ПоделитьсяКопировать ссылку на пост
Perez Hilton The most unique (and tastiest) dining experiences in the world, you will find in #LasVegas! I am a super freak about Superfrico! This blew my mind and delighted my taste buds! 🍽️ #Vegas
Sƈσƚƚყ Is there ever a Good Time to fat shame?🧐😭 #stereo #BattleRoyale #QueensOfStereo #KingsOfSterei
MissCheezcake Make sure ya clap them hands together and pray before ya clap dem cheeks 🤣🤣 #humor #comedy #trending