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Cool, you just listen to the enablers that tell you what you want to hear. They're the liars. Haters usually tell you how it is. But listen to the haters too.
Girl, I'm trying to poke your butt out, but you really need to stop, though. Like, you really need to stop, but your forehead's bigger than mine, bro. Your forehead's bigger than the whole earth. Your head's set on strike. Your head's set on shoot that ball. Shoot that ball, bro. Like, you need to go get your hair done before you pull a stingy. You know you're going to get violated.
Okay, first of all, I'll go, Oh, you don't fuck, You're always in the sink, you're at a beach, Clearly you're the fuck one, Except you're a fissure, I don't want to mention it, You fuck, Yeah, All right, girl, you look like a fucking teenager, And if you don't give a fuck, Then why would you fucking respond, Like, bitch, you don't even fucking make no fucking sense, Fuck, Sorry, Uh-huh, And go out with what I like, I mean, you fuck, man, uh-huh, Okay.