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I like that question, Livewire. How did hip-hop impact your life or change you? And I just wanted to say that I didn't get to hip-hop until a little bit later in my life. You know, most people got to hip-hop in their teenage years. I didn't get to hip-hop until, like, later, since 18, 19, 20. Like, for real, get really deep into hip-hop. And I remember getting into it with The Roots, and I felt empowered. And I felt part of the revolution.
Hey, shout out to that. Yeah, I do like the fact that the attachment for me really meant something because of The language that they were speaking to me, you know, I mean like that street language that the churches the schools Adults wasn't really talking to The youth like that, you know, I mean they were just condemning it versus like hey Here's some songs and some artists that I could actually relate to. No, like I ain't the only one yummy. So yeah
When I discovered hip-hop, and this is of course at a young age, I was a kid, man, I knew that this was it. This is my music. The beat, the lyrics, you can't find shit like that now, so damn.
Yeah, I know the golden era is, you know, I mean, it's like, it's hard to relate or get attached to the new new era, but shout out to the golden era, though.
Hip-hop was the culture. Hip-hop was everything around me. I don't remember a time there wasn't hip-hop around. Oh my gosh. Shout out to this post. Keep doing your thing, LiveWIRE. Let's go.
Hip-hop also teaches you how to have an opinion, also stand up and speak your mind, talk the truth. So, I can definitely say it has impacted my life and not just mine, I'm pretty sure it impacted other people's lives in that way as well.
So hip-hop and rap are kind of similar to me. The only difference is rap is definitely taking it a step further. It's harder. I feel like hip-hop has a greater impact and has a greater audience due to the fact that it's more all-around than rap and it's more versatile.
What's up LiveWire, how are we? I send you a greeting and many congratulations to RAP, the 50th anniversary, and I don't know, keep it alive, keep it alive always. See you, a greeting.