Have I ever used food for sexual activities? I mean, shit, if the roast beef, if the roast beef is food, shit. Arby's BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! We have the meat!
Don't ask me what the f- You see what it said? Have you ever used food for sexual activities? Have you ever used chocolate? Have you ever used honey? Have you ever used fruit or has someone to use fruit rollers on you.
Yes yes yes me and my baby daddy that like his debts and my father-in-law we're not follow you know we used ice cream saw you seen any screaming ice cream can you poo.
Yeah, so one time me and my boyfriend were getting freaky right and we had this like a bag of high chews next to us like little candy And so what he did he I packed him in your pussy And so he did that and he like like squeezed it out and it was great. It was amazing