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Hey Stereo, and my beautiful Stereo family. I have a question. Hopefully you guys listened to the video. What do you think about this? Love versus compatibility. Now, a lot of people think that love can conquer all. That even if you're not compatible, love will make everything right. I kind of agree with the lady. I think that shit can get toxic. You can love something, but that doesn't mean it always work out. Drop it in the comments. Let me know. Love versus compatibility. Compatible. Ooh, shit, that word knocked me out, y'all. Let's go.
Damn, that word whooped your ass at the end, uh, yes, love can conquer all to make you stay around a person, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's good for you to stay around them because you love them. If you're compatible with them, then it makes the love more worth it for you to stick around. Um, what I think.
Oh no, love does not conquer all. I do not care, I do not care, come for me, I do not care. Love does not conquer all. Compatibility allows you to enjoy and put up with people that are around you. You definitely need to be compatible if you want to make it for the long haul.