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Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I fingered my arse to you, um, it felt really nice, yeah keep posting these videos man, like please, I just, like you're my wank bank right now.
Yeah, listen here mate, I do have stuff better to do with my life, but you know what, it's funny coming on here and putting a fucking comment on someone's shit that has nothing to do with people but they just get pissed off. Like why, why are you crying over something that I've put on someone else's post? Fucking sort that out you twat. Fucking what do you mean you have nothing better to do with your life, it's kind of sad. Like what, you're fucking sad for replying to my comment you spastic, yeah? Kill yourself.
One question though, why are you chasing girls? Just talk to them. Don't run after them. They're obviously going to run away, aren't they? Just talk to them. Simple.
Can I just ask why people chase after girls? Like, I'm just curious over it. And why would you embarrass yourself? Wouldn't it be just simpler to, like, not do that? I'm just asking a question, I'm curious, that's all. No hard feelings or anything, please.
I'm so happy to meet you, and I'm so happy to give you some of the flamingo curry, and some of the flamingo guava guava guava guava guava guava guava guava guava guava guava guava.