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That's my sister, not my friends. My sister has every embarrassing moment of me. Every single one. Even the one when I'm making a sandwich and I'm arguing with my grandma, and she's like, stop yelling at me! And I'm like, I'm doing my homework, and then I make this weird sound. I'm like, eh, like, what the heck is that? It was so dramatic. I wasn't even doing my homework.
Bro, bro, my friends and my siblings do this shit. Every time when I have to do something, they just happen to have their phone out. The one time they happen to have their phone out, they record, they record, and it piss me off because they always use it against me. That's always, like, that's bullying. That's not fair. That's bullying. I'm going to report they as one day they use that shit illegally. Yeah.