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Oh yeah, but your professionalism is amazing, but I do like the other version. You've seen that shit I email you, you ain't got time. You ain't replying, I got work to do. Sometimes you gotta keep it real like that. But shout out to the cats that's working so hard. That cat got a 9 to 5. And emailing people, typing and shit, been on the news. Your cat is busy.
so i can't relate completely but i worked at the port of miami and basically i would load people from a ship get their luggage checked in get them checked off a manifest load up the luggage sometimes you know doing that physical part of the job as well as selling tickets on the side there in the pier as well as loading up my bus to explain to everybody what's going to go down on the time frames and then basically do the tour and drop them off to the shuttle and i just there were times like i would repeat this a million times and then people just looking at me like huh can you say it again
How are we, mewcams? I love how I see the animals, I mean, I really like cats, but I have a dog, but well, my dog also loves cats, I mean, he gets along very well with them, and well, good video, good cat, and nothing, a greeting.