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Don't know how you're going to make me shut up when you made your own oh shut up by covering it with a giant fucking block like I'm not the insecure one babe
Are you even speaking English and what the fuck is the idiot sounds very much like a homosexual say it so if you need a potion help with that click the link in my bio please
I'm OK the fake you got bullied at school it's a submersible your bedtime Addison gonna Demario ugly ass bitch shut the fuck up you're dumb ass shit you're a broke bitch the fuck up your high school job was to do that for the gas bitch you're fucking kind of broke I mean your dad come about ugly ass bitch
You fucking Mong you knew what was coming you are to blur out that knows you fucking clown fucking idiot honestly that was the new year at uni after that then parable of realised but because you put that there are no United mangled
Oh I didn't know what the fuck is Amoroso satiable you ugly ass is so nasty as dirty as a very gas to get out boy you ugly as shit my boy he's a chance ugly ass bitch the fuck you talking of your ugly musty ass dirty ass fucking ugly ass bitch your boss think this will take a shower feel ugly
My gay them chains around your neck add up to the fucking equivalent of $5 look at them fucking ****** you are gutted as well you spec you for rise can shut the fuck up