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You know what, I've got some really mixed feelings about rain. On one hand I love it, I love the sound of rain, the feeling of it on your skin, everything like that. It's nice and if you're just having a laugh running around in the rain then that's fun. But on the other hand it's cold and you get wet through if you're trying to get somewhere, you're soaked. And I much prefer sunshine. I've got to agree with Chloe.
First, Linden. I love the aesthetic view. This right here, I find peace in nature that looks like this. So green, vibrant, beautiful, aesthetic, old-fashioned, vintage. Oh my god, I can just go on and on. I love the rain. It's just, it feels so pure. You know, it's like renewal. Shout out to you.
I make it a habit from time to time to dance in the rain because it's fun, because I feel so connected to Mother Nature. It enhances my spirituality and I just feel so connected to the universe. It's just, it's pure, it's beautiful. I love it.