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Moving on up to the sky We finally got a piece of pie But like for real bro, let me stop that and like stop bleeding out ears for real but bro How the fuck am I past 400 followers dog? I wasn't even doing that much my shit ain't even that funny for real, but like I know like a hundred of y'all news came from the live, but what the fuck the rest of y'all cover up, bro But you're like Now that I'm here, I feel like I should do some I should do something to celebrate for y'all I I should do something that benefits y'all. Which y'all want me to do now? Wish I'd do now bro.
You're gonna have to share some of those followers with me, bud. I have your family. They're locked up in my basement. I'm sure you don't want them to die, right? You must think about this offer.
I don't think singing is my passion either. The only reason I was confident enough to put it on here is because I thought I was never We're gonna show my face.
Ah, big dog, you ain't gotta worry. People be liking yo replies and yo posts way more than they be liking mine. I think they just be pity following me for real for real if you really wanna be honest. hahahahahah