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Have you been a rebound? Have you told the person I'm not a pain pill? Stop trying to use me as a pain pill to cover up your post relationship pain Nah fam, real rapper, real cap though, you all ready?
yeah I've been a rebound like several times even an ex tried to do that to me and I made him regret it now I'm like just like with my ex she said I'm nobody's playing B. Well here's something, same energy.
Honestly I've been a rebound way too many times and it's so crazy because one of the girls I was a rebound with she was married at the time and the husband found out he was acting happy but again there's nothing I knew I did not notice it at all looking at her now I'm like wow
Live wire, you're a good brother and an honorable man. I've had married women try to cover up their marital status. This is dangerous. And married women lie about their relationship status because men often react with violence that comes with their wives and their children.
I've actually told women before, you know, I'm not emotionally available, but I'm a great rebound guy You know, if you need to get over somebody, you can get under me.
The only reason why I had better rebounds was a motherfucker going into a situation where it wasn't Doing what I was doing. My first one to come back, but fuck you.