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Negawatt 590d
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Talk about the artwork at the Denver airport. There are these intimidating gargoyles that watch over you while you're maneuvering and trying to grab your luggage off the conveyor belt. There's these massive paintings of young children from all around the world that I swear, if you look at them for too long, it's gonna make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. There's verbiage on them that says something along the lines of children of the world want peace. There's also an image of a letter that people claim a child wrote from a concentration camp during the war. Some people say that all of these images, especially combined together, are sending messages that allude toward the Illuminati at the Denver airport. The artist rebukes all of these ideas and he says that his art was supposed to send a message of anti-war and pro-environment. So the question is, do we think that we're saving the planet or are we hiding a secret society?
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