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There are underground tunnels at the Denver Airport. We know this. It's put there for infrastructure and to transport luggage from one place to the next in a faster fashion. The theory about the tunnels is that they lead to nuclear launch pads, as well as bunkers that are only accessible to the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the government, the wealthiest people on the planet. There's a link between this tunnel theory and the lizard people theory. There's claims that people have seen lizard people walking through there with their own eyes and video footage of it. The best part of this theory, in my opinion, is that the Denver Airport got wind of it eventually and they jumped on it and ran with it. They've made their own hashtag on social media. It's the Den Files. And they put little Easter eggs throughout the airport to give people clues about this actually being real. So do we think that the Denver Airport is just being funny, comical, doing their part to play along, or do we think that they're doing this to actually hide it?
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