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Heaven 735d
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Cheyenne Ellifrits
Cheyenne Ellifrits
Cheyenne Ellifrits
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Since nobody else has done it I'm going to reach you on my mom and I'm on my mama 09.2 but since I know you and you have a good personality I'm gonna give you 10 yeah bye
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I didn't even realize you were on this app and I thinking what I knew will be on here I was kind a hoping not but thank you
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Girl I found this at four I got this app a girl there to go for my birthday so yeah I'm literally in one of the ads
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No, because I didn't even realize that like I saw this on TikTok and I saw the replies that people were doing and I was like Let me get on here real quick.
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yeah I found it on tiktok and then I started using it and now I'm in one of the tiktok ads I'm in like the one about erotic moans or whatever like that. I'm in that ad.
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No, cause tell me why, I've never seen that one. Like, I always see the one where it's like, rape me and then I put a picture of a kid or some shit.
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If you like if you go to the stereo memes page or you can even look underneath my soundbites by clicking up my profile and you'll see the one that says Cuba we famous
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