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Bro, shut the fuck up. You're so annoying. Like what are you what are you doing bro? Every single video Get lover! Get lover! Like bro, shut the fuck up. Your shit's not even funny at all. That joke is so dead. Like, get lover! Bro, like what are you, are you like fucking high or something? You think that shit's funny? Bro, you're the type of ***** to like be like migrating, fucking living in like the library at school Getting like bullied because you're fucking weird bro. You got that sort of sort of humor bro You got a fucking
Does anyone know how he did this? I'm genuinely just a little bit curious. I've always loved magic tricks. In fact, I went to magic camp when I was eight years old. I did have a traumatic experience there, though. Some of the mean girls locked me in the outhouse. But otherwise, I did learn a few tricks. I can play. I can tell you which one's your card in the deck and I can shuffle pretty good.