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ChuckBLACK • 587d
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I follow back • 587d
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Bruh, how y'all ever consider making y'all the ********? Because like bro, I am struggling in life, bruh. I am real life struggling. I put some thought into this, I said, what's the harm, shit. What's the harm in making money and God damn making a little money on it? Shit, I hope some, like bruh, I'm about to be slinging my wee wee on ********, bro. On everything, like bruh. I am struggling like a motherfucker right now, bro. Flipping burgers and cooking french fries and shit is not hitting right now. I got bills that's, bruh. I'm one step away from being homeless, bro. I'm late on the light bill, bruh.
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Get. Rid. Of. The. Motherfucking. Bills. *****. You heard of shit. You just said you struggling. And you say, I got bills. Well then, maybe if you didn't have bills, you wouldn't be struggling. I don't know what's wrong with people. Get. Rid. Of. The. Fucking. Bills.
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