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Hey, Stereo fam, happy hump yay. It's a movement. Are you a person that doesn't need a crowd to prosper in life? Are you moving with a purpose? Are you a leader or are you a follower? I myself am very much so a leader. I don't need all the extra distractions. I'm just asking, leave a soundbite. Let me know how you feel today. This is Queen Black Radio tapping in from Soundbite City. Hope you guys are enjoying your week. Peace be still. It's a movement.
I definitely don't need a crowd. I move at my own pace and based on my interests. Now, if my interests do align with others, then that's fantastic. That's wonderful. But otherwise, I move to the beat of my own drum.
You know what, sweetie? I respect that. I respect your honesty and your transparency. If you don't know what your purpose is, you just don't know. But you know what I can appreciate about you? You don't have a problem seeking the knowledge. You are a very good listener. I appreciate that. And you engage in very intellectual conversations. So yeah, your purpose is coming soon, baby. It's coming to you soon.
And another thing, I definitely pay attention to how you move on social media. And I know that this is how you are in your everyday life. So just know, King, that you don't need a crowd. As long as you've got a brain, and you can think for yourself, and you're able to be a good listener, and you can communicate, it's definitely your purpose is to be a great listener and consume great energy. I appreciate you. Peace be still.