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What is the hardest or hardest realization that you have had to come to accept in your life it could be some thing that you feel like you even could've discovered years ago months ago but when you finally came to it you realized why I was so hard for you to except that specific thing what is it
That adults don't have everything figured out like you spend most of your life looking up to people that don't have their shit on the street or what's your older you acknowledge us certain people are living their life properly or don't have morals or you don't start shit like that
Everyone is at the mercy of their own education and unfortunately we are all brought up by people that are educating us based on what they think is the proper amount of education the only way for everyone to be able to effectively get her they need to be is making sure that they break the curse of not being educated
This is correct and I wanna reply to this one that's but that's not in a cell I meant I mean that like adults are awake like I can't I can't explain it in a way that makes sense or this this thing is not even long enough to explain it
Well, let's make it make sense my friend. I think the best way to approach it is actually the expansion of consciousness is that most people get mentally stuck in a specific point of their Existence and then they begin to live and only live out that specific point of their selves. At least I'm pretty sure that's the page you're trying to get across.
What I mean is that everyone lives one dimensionally like whatever last is everyone was very one-I mentionally and there's no real purpose to what they do like even having kids is to fill another void that they had because they were brought up until to live this life that is mean
Now, I think a broader explanation though, because we are all living a facet of multi-dimensional existence, is that people actually get perpetually stuck in specific types of dimensions, right? That's why people get stuck in the fourth dimension, the realm of possibilities, and that's why anxiety, fear, and many other...
In addition also to what you said is the fear the fear to be different because despite all the knowledge education and wisdom and applying it people actually comfortable being the norm, norm of society, culture, and
I don't really agree with that. I mean money can buy you temporary happiness if you're like really materialistic. Like if I go to the store and I buy me some new shoes I'm gonna be happy.
Money can solve money problems and we have to understand where pleasure begins and where it ends because you get a dopamine hit by doing something like spending money, which you could equate to happiness but I think what he's referencing more is the eternity of a happiness because that can never be bought, sold, or returned, or anything else.
True wealth is bound within the knowledge, the understanding. because emotions have an intelligence and once that is grasped, there's no anything that can ever measure to how valuable that is.
Yeah **** I don't want some of that pays my dopamine senses and just disappears in my life because without that I'm gonna feel like I always need that to be happy
Our chemicals are the biggest trick of them all, unfortunately. But when we begin to be able to understand the wealth of knowledge is really the wealth of everything we ever needed, needed because that even gives us the understanding on how to emotionally handle ourselves, then we'll always be in a better place.
At one point in my life, I was depressed, anxious, I was on the verge of every end of the negative mental health spectrum and I was still able to eventually find my happiness, peace, and everything else. else. Don't let a zoned perspective of how you have existed be the reason why that's
You have to remember that having a wealth of knowledge is the inner twining of you also being able to acquire monetary wealth. because if your energy is not capacitively ready for you to be able to acquire something, then you will never acquire it.
I just be thinking about my goals right if I don't reach this to fuck or somebody else in height I got a angle for everything but I don't know if I'm reaching I just don't know if the game plan I work out I can't wait to
anytime you attach energy to something, that is what's going to happen. make sure that your goals are accurate is to make sure you have all your stuff on paper, you account for everything logistically and you go over what you have because only you can achieve a dream and nobody else can.
Only you can achieve a dream that you envision because what you have might not make sense to anyone else and Giving them the objective of that goal could then throw negative energy and manifest something that isn't right for you So stay intentional.
There's so many people on this planet that getting caught in the sauce of every other prose of negative energy that people like to portray because most people were brought up on never being loved is that once you establish loving yourself you can't be around people that don't love themselves either.
That's facts. As hard as it is to say, insecure people are really hard to be around because they project that onto you. So you really gotta love yourself before you reach out and love other people.
And then once you've established a love yourself, it's understanding who is going to be open and willing to accept the love that you have, because that's when particles, we are all just energetic bubbles begin to start going away or attracting to one another, and we are always going to attract.
Bro there's always another woman I don't go fuck what y'all say on your fucking ya like oh no it's not shut the fuck up I just got blocked for no reason actually I texted his mom and emailed her but like still
But you have to remember that individuality is what makes people really attract. At the end of the day, there's always other people, but every single one of those people are completely different. So be yourself and someone will gravitate to you.
You know, this might be a little bit too emotional, too deep, but I watched my mom die like two or three months ago and it's just really hard to come to terms with.
Don't ever let anybody feel like you can't be emotional or deep because what you're dealing with is important now my wife has lost both of her parents years ago in a car crash and what she said is the best thing to make sure that you don't get stuck out in your processes denial
for any aspect of how you emotionally are going to forward yourself and your existence, But make sure that you keep a fluid motion. Everything's gonna be alright.