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I have a question for you what is your favorite embarrassing childhood memories I'm a go first my childhood memory it was actually iMessage to cause my mother to I saw the first one is when I was very young I was like how about three I know how I remember this but I remember it is like by heart I remember the damn waiting I know how are you oh so yeah I am Had I had to go to the bathroom but my my my older cousin and her kids was using the bathroom before me so I has a bucket and I thought that I thought I got you know I'm lost Halloween buckets Yasaka PNM but then I did back to the city now lol that way because the bucket almost broke and then so I saw a bag with my mother and my father was sleeping and I hey I got the bag it was an empty bag that was that was probably like a four for the two neck and Zendaya And then I have freaking I am PAP because I thought I just had to pee but then I had a poop too so I had put a piece in the bag I'm pretty sure that I had three I had to meet him on the floor underneath the bed or I have put it throughout the window I'll put it by the window I'm probably sure I didn't want to lose my second one is that my mother used to make these little goodie bags like if we wanted to snack we had to ask her for one of the goody bags right so I asked her for one goodie bag right so I had got the one filled with that fit with the Cheetos right I had grabbed the second one filled with crackers and gummy's