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Hey man I knew this but I just wanna know if the crazy had been happier myself but I like it last week but I wanna know what the crazy thing that happened Yashua let me know
This dude squirted on my mother's dude's jacket and he had to take it off and it was like a fat asmo fucking cum scene on his jacket. I thought he meant squirt it like ass and piss but like...
He hasn't wore that jacket right after that day. He wore the white jacket right after that day. I guess you may think I should wear white so I can not see it.
These kids are a cut clapping in the bathroom in middle school. And he had clothes off that whole, he had clothes off that whole section where the bathroom was for like a week, a week or two.
So one day I was on the bus and the cops came on a new escorted his kiddos right next to me because supposedly he had a gun or something and he beat up his girlfriend and stuff before that sphere
Yeah, so two girls were fighting, one of the girls picked up the other, threw her into the wall and the wall broke. I have the video and everything, it's wild.