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I'm telling you right now you look fucking on fleek But I'm just saying this is why you don't start off like lightweight because I know for a fact That you started like working out at maybe what like a hundred twenty pounds you start working out At like a great weight to start working out and getting buff and shit. You got to be like 160, bro You get huge
I'm a little confused by what you mean. I did start your guess is right. I did start working out at 130 So you're pretty close, but uh the end doesn't really make sense Are you saying that I look 160? I'm 185 right now the heaviest I ever was was 197 or are you saying that uh 160 is a good weight to start lifting at it's a bit uh confusing but
If you start working out over weight, not like, you know, thin, I'm just saying, you know, like, I'm, at the moment, I'm like 150, and I started working out when I was like 160, and I mean, it's only been a couple months, and I'm losing weight way too fast, and it's like, I'm already fucking huge.