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Clarkisha Kent
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Sheena-kay Graham
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Sheena-kay Graham
Sheena-kay Graham
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Just in case you're not aware of what's going on with the picture, this is a screencap of Zach Barof's JD from Scrubs and also Kylie, his like one and only black girlfriend that show. It was a very quick thing that happened, but my girlfriends on other apps, specifically Twitter, have started talking about what they call the disposable black girlfriend trope. I like using starter girlfriend because that's what I see it as. So basically, whatever the race of the man, you have like a starter black girlfriend who comes in, teaches you your morals, teaches you how to treat women, challenges you, blah blah blah, shapes you up, and then they get dumped for like some other girlfriend later. Usually the new girlfriend will be white, not always, but I don't know. I just thought that was interesting for a number of reasons, you know, with me being a black girl myself, so I wanted to ask other black girls out there what they think about this trope. Because it's a weird trope for sure and I feel like it needs to be discussed more amongst us, chiefly.
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I forgot to put this in the initial post, but I really hated this relationship because one they never even officially had a first date Their first date was in a fucking hospital during a fucking lockdown Like what and the second thing too is like they made it a whole thing Like when they were trying to sleep together Like Kylie was on this weird virginity kick Except she wasn't like it was this whole thing and then they eventually broke up over something stupid And I'm like y'all wasted all our time for real
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This is something I really dislike. Every time they talk about, oh we're going to do diversity, we're going to do diversity, they add black people and 90% of the time the representation they do is trash. It is something that really is annoying and every time when the show either doesn't do well or people don't appreciate the representation.
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Sorry, my comment got cut off, but anyway, when people don't appreciate the representation, they like to act as if either we're ungrateful or, oh, it was a mistake by the writers, as if writing and creating a fictional human is somehow different when we're black, that everyone else can get some kind of sensible representation, but as soon as the
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As soon as the melanin star gets darker, representation turns stupid, it's annoying, and they know exactly what they're doing, they're just mad we're not grateful, and no we're not, stop it.
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