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I feel him very, and I date him one time, he said he got a new girlfriend, I said how dare him, I had a new girlfriend a long time, I don't know, and like he was in a moment, and he had a new girlfriend time, he might date my girlfriend time, and one time he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and he had a new girlfriend, and
I think I got enough discipline to get a body like that the hard part is maintaining it So I just got a question. Is it hard to maintain a body like that?