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You look like you're about, like, 73 years old. Yeah, I'ma say 73. Like, you know, senior citizen, you know what I'm saying? You're in your happiest years, bruh. Like, you retired, you know what I'm saying? Got a little of that pension income going on, bruh. Yeah, you about 73.
Yo, your fit looks like some shit out of The Walking Dead, bro. Like, why is it ripped up like that? You find that shit at fucking, like, I don't know, scrap pile or what?
What the fuck, slapped the shit on my baby niece, karate shot my little cousin, shit on my grandma's face, pushed my grandma down the stairs, what the fuck, well that shit look like a lizard, that shit look like a pokemon, that shit look like undeveloped monkey, that shit look like a fucking exotic frog.