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I swear I just got this up tonight this man posted a picture talking as a rape me so I'll be like you're staring at me real seductively tell me why he's in my DM's five minutes later where did you come from
Oh, what's that light skin stare? Why you why why why you why you why you light skin stare me? What? Why why you do um according to my calculations that's actually child that's actually pedophilia if you
Period you ate that I think I think he's a little bit mad because um cuz he has a little buzz cut Um, I'm sorry that you couldn't grow your hair out fast enough. I mean and that's not like our problem. I'm just saying, I'm just...
I mean, I'm just telling the honest truth like Why is he so mad? Why are we so upset? Stutter stutter stutter Stutter my ass. I don't care I'm pretty sure he's just upset by his little haircut.
I wouldn't say ego boost more just like having fun as fuck and a confidence boost Like because of the speech feature it's so easy to just have fun with others you know like I'm about to have fun with you tonight
I literally just don't know this and like I said these bitches be like you're so fucking prettier and so cute I like So many look fucking queue like GigaChad Doop