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Marcelo Ortega
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I consider myself a very unique person. At this moment I am going through a very ugly stage because my partner abandoned me. She asked me for time, she cheated me and abandoned me after she promised that I would not abandon her. But she broke the promise because she did not. Several things that we will not go into in detail. I am a person who loves to talk to others, Having someone to talk to on a daily basis is something that is cool. I know that not all the time you can answer a message or not all the time is propitious. But it's good to have someone to talk to. And if someone wants to, you can write to me. I really like the formula 1, its philosophy I apply it with my personal life. I'm going to study medicine. I'm going to be in fifth semester. I hope I can continue because I'm in the square now, I'm going to do it for economic reasons. I consider myself to be unique, honest, and I know that I'm selfish, well, not selfish, but very egocentric. But I have my reasons for why. I like to go out, I like to drive, I like good music, food and in terms of couples, well I'll talk about it later, but that's me, as a very summarized person and you what? What do you feel with us?
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un compa ando pasando por lo mismo pero a mi me toco en el nuevo pero como tú dijiste está estudiando medicina que está muy chavare, así que sígale, echele ganas.
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