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I'm gonna stop at the first one. You can't live in the ocean. I mean if you get a water house or whatever it's fucking called floats on top of the water you can get that but you can't live in the water. There's no houses there's like nothing built like that. There's houses on the inside of a mountain. That's where I want to live.
I would live in a, probably a, better house, you know, a better house, definitely a better house, you know what, if you think about it deeply, we don't really need to like have money and all that, I feel like, I feel like the world would be a better place without money and all that, cause like, people are out to get money, but what if it's not even there, I'm getting
If money wasn't a concern, and I could live anywhere- If money wasn't a concern, bro, like, oh my god. Okay, where would I live, if money wasn't a concern? California high-rise building. I wanna be at the top of a motherfuckin' building, lookin' down at everyone. I wanna be right there, and- and just livin' the life up there.