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Landon 429d
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Coast the Apache
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Tinu Abayomi-Paul
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Malli 428d
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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N 428d
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Dɾҽαɱყ 426d
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Okay, I think this one might help Would you guys go out to the beach with your friends in an extremely hot summer day Am I am I press this? 114 degree heat or snuggle by the fire and a cold snowy day with somebody but y'all can't do nothing but snuggle Just snuggle
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As soon as you plop your head out of the fucking water, you're gonna fucking be burning, bro. Fuck no. Snuggle with someone.
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Hey, yo, give me the beach with my friends in the heat. I was gonna pick the The snowy snuggle, but you said all we could do is snuggle. So yeah Give me the beach streamy and my friends
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I used to would say, hey, I'm an African, um, you know, I was born in America, but my parents are African on both sides, going back several just generations, I can take the heat. But in the last 10 years, the heat has been taking me. This is ridiculous. I don't know what the hell is going on with the climate control, but oh God, we're screwed. So yeah, winter time, unless it's nuclear winter. Yeah, we're going to cuddle up in front of the fireplace in front of any place. I do like cuddling.
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I would definitely, okay I have to go with the Cuddle by the Fire just because 114 degrees is too hot for an Asian person like me but if it was a little bit colder I would definitely choose the beach
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Hello, Fred. Shout out to you. Thank you for the sound ****. Personally, winter is my favorite season out of all of the seasons for weather. So personally for me, I would prefer not to burn like a lobster in the sun. I would prefer to snuggle by the fire on a cold and snowy day with someone because that sounds amazing.
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I would rather cuddle on a snowy day with someone.
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