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Samantha Robinson
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Consciousness 424d
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Consciousness 424d
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Bitch, you don't even deserve a man. Fuck off with your shit, man. You think you're something special, but you're nae. You're pure flat as fuck. You know what I mean? You're basic. Get fucked.
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Oh my god, are you for real? I don't even need to take calculus to know what that is, okay? I said, bitch please, you don't even deserve a man, right? That fits in. I don't know what you're talking about, but it fits in. I even know what's inside a black hole and what it does. It's for diffusion. Do you even know what that is? Do you know what diffusion is? It's single cell feeding existence, did you even know that?
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But you're right, I did not take calculus and I do not want to learn it. I do not want to learn human methods of math because when you understand the full existence, calculating the full existence and everything in it with human math is illogical. You would need to create a new math to actually calculate the whole lot. So human math is only used for our perception and measurements, you do realise that. It's not a real math, it's just a...
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So yeah if you took math to an alien they'd probably think you're a bit weird and they probably have a different method of calculating everything and a different time and all sorts you know and measurements time and all that it's a human construct like time started from when the first thing moved we could time that so yeah I mean you've really picked the wrong person to argue with but
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What I actually said was I already knew I didn't need to learn calculus to understand everything and to realize that calculus is just a human concept of measurement. So, with that being said, I didn't refute the argument with that. I already knew what you were talking about. You presumed I didn't.
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What do you mean refuting math for the sake of an argument? We didn't refute math for the sake of an argument. I said math is only from a perspective of a human. It's a human perspective. Only humans use math. So, from that perspective, you really think you're intelligent. I've just shown you how intelligent you really are. You didn't even know that, did you? You didn't know it was just a concept of human perception, did you? No. So, that's how intelligent I am compared to you.
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Why not? Have you got the attention span of a fish?
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