Vader The adventures of the Just-Us league of Super Negroes...Подписаться4341ПоделитьсяКопировать ссылку на пост
Hey, Did You Have A Favorite “Struggle Meal” Growing Up ? If Not , What Was One Of The Dishes You Hated The Most As A Child? #childhood #fyp #food #Stereo
Livewire People love to minimize Stereo when they “feel” like “they” not poppin! They will say things like “lil old app” or “cartoon world” but they not poppin anywhere else either 😂😂 How Sway!
T W N G Y ☠️☠️☠️ The Lost Man In The Paris Catacombs- Credit misthole33 #kg #SFX #paris #fyp #mystery ☠️☠️☠️
Sƈσƚƚყ Is there ever a Good Time to fat shame?🧐😭 #stereo #BattleRoyale #QueensOfStereo #KingsOfSterei